Funny Wallpapers That Make You Feel Dumb Sad Quotes About Crush

Sad Memes: If you're searching for sad love quotes to help you get through a heartbreak, you've come to the right place. And finally, we present you with 45 of the saddest-ever memes out there so that hopefully, they'll give you a smile as well because after all, life, love, and relationships will inevitably be tough for everyone. This inspiring collection of depressing quotes on love and life will lift your spirits. Don't be ashamed to shed tears; it is proper to grieve. Tears are water, and nothing else, such as trees, flowers, and fruit, can grow without water. While there must be sunlight, too, it must not be intense.

Sad Memes

It is impossible to protect yourself from sadness without also protecting yourself from happiness. Tears can be produced from the heart or the brain, but they generally originate from the heart. It is impossible to feel too much; if anything, you will always end up feeling nothing. It seems to me that life goes on, but to me, that is the most sorrowful aspect of all. There is nothing in all of the written and spoken words of tongue and pen that is sadder than these: "It could have been." Every day isn't always the best of days, and that's all. The songs that we sing have the most poignancy when they discuss the saddest feelings. While crying, people realize there is a sacredness in tears. Heavy hearts, such as the heavy clouds in the sky, need to be relieved through the passing of a small amount of water.

Sad Memes

1. "When you think to yourself "It's been a long week" and then realize it's only 1:26 PM on Monday."

2. "Good grades parents depression, stress, no social life, suffering"

3. "Me at night choosing what's gonna keep me up till 3 am overthinking Netflix Twitter depression youtube Instagram Snapchat anxiety watching vines stress"

4. "When the depression and anxiety kick in hard hey there, demons. It's me, ya boy."

5. "My brain: You're a fucking disaster and no one will ever love you Me: Cheers I'll drink to that bro"

Sadness Image

Picture About Sadness

Saddest Images

Sad Face Meme Images

Sad Meme Pictures

6. "Me my damaged trust in human beings"

7. "I'm sorry your day is stressful please just know I love u sm and everything will get better"

8. "When you realize… The type of chains Elsa has on was obviously made for her. However, could not have made them because had no idea that covering Elsa's hands stopped her powers and also didn't have the resources at the time to make them. The only people who could have known this were her parents. Elsa's parents made a cell specifically for their daughter in case she got out of control."

9. "When you show someone something you're really proud of and they say "cool" and change the subject"

10. "That awkward moment when you realize that Dora has more freedom than you, and she's 5."

Sad Memes About Relationships

Sad But Funny Memes

Sad Meme Pictures

Sad Quotes About Pain

Sad Memes About Life

Sad Picture

Sad Memes Funny

Quotes About Being Sad

Depression Sad Quotes

11. "When you turn 13: You learned a new emotion, sadness!"

12. "When a girl with fake eyebrows starts to get rude with you"

13. "Wave of incredible sadness literally nothing"

14. "I guess I'm like a refrigerator with a burst pipe cool but broken inside"

15. "Yesterday was my last day of high school. For 4 years I've taken pictures with my mom on my first & last days of school. I did it, mom"

16. "When the whole gang gets together !! anxiety depression loneliness me overthinking"

Sad Quotes About Life

Sad Images

Sad Funny Memes

Sad Memes About Love

Sad Memes Funny

Breakup Sad Quotes

17. "Bitch you better start fucking loving yourself right now why can't you see that you are an amazing and gorgeous person who deserves the world!!!! Love yourself bitch"

18. "My face in my mirror my face in the school mirror"

19. "Me trying to fall asleep at 3 in the morning like homework I haven't done cringe shit I did as a kid anxiety fear of the future cringe shit I did just today depression"

20. "All my love my crush"

21. "Me ignoring text messages until I gain enough energy to be social again."

22. "Oh look. I found a picture of all my favorite characters."

Sad Images

Sadness Meme

Sad Quotes About Friends

Sad Meme Images

Spongebob Sad Memes

23. "When somebody asks me how I'm doing, but I also don't want them to feel sorry for me"

24. "Staying up till 4 am to post memes for Europeans as an American croissant"

25. "Please stop. I'm very emotional and sensitive"

26. "Me currently what could be giving you anxiety? Um, let's see… Every expects of my life."

27. "And that's that on that"

28. "Lalalalalalala I can't hear you"

Short Sad Quotes

Sad Pics

Funny Sad Meme

Sad Image

Sad Love Memes

Funny Sad Memes

Sad Memes Reddit

29. "Me: I'm finally starting to feel happy My depression: You what"

30. "My mental illness when I'm alone my mental illness at my psychiatrist appointment"

31. "It don't add up how fuckin you cute you are"

32. "Me after a long of ruining my own life"

33. "Me when I sense the tiniest change in someone's energy towards me, in conclusion, I'm sorry I bothered you with my existence"

Feeling Sad Memes

Sad Quotes About Love

Unhappy Meme

So Sad Memes

Sad Meme Funny

34. Guess who is very upset from something very small again!"

35. "Memories of people from my past who don't give a single fuck about me anymore but I still think about daily because I seriously can't let anything go"

36. "What if I'm not swag"

37. "Me begging for someone to love me the walls I've built due to emotional trauma, that I won't take down for anyone"

38. "Memories of happier times haunting me trying to sleep"

39. "When u want to go back to sleep to finish the storyline of ur dream"

Funny Sad Memes

Sad Funny Meme

Upset Memes

Sad Sayings

Depressed Quotes

40. "For big mistakes trusting people"

41. "Me trying to sleep in august with back to school nightmares."

42. "When I was a child I used to talk to my imaginary friend he was the same age as me, and looked similar to me recently I found out I had a twin in the womb that died"

43. "My mental health me constantly turning it into jokes for the imaginary audience in my head"

44. "[Sobbing]"

Sad Quotes Of Life

Sadness Quotes

Sad Memes About Love

45. "People break your heart and act like you're the one who fucked shit up."


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