Easy but Cute Ways to Write Wikihow Easy Project Fonts

Hand lettering is a popular art form, but creating your own designs can feel challenging. If you're ready to try hand lettering, getting started is easier than it seems. With a few basic supplies and some sketches, you'll soon be designing your own beautiful hand lettered pieces. Once you get started with hand lettering, you'll be able to improve your work with practice and helpful resources. Grab your pencil and paper and get ready to do hand lettering.

  1. 1

    Select a statement, word, or initials to draw. Before you can create your design, you need to know what you're designing. Pick a quote or word that you love, or start with initials.[1]

    • When you're just getting started, it's a good idea to stick with something short and uncomplicated.
    • Longer quotes allow you to try out more font styles, but they're also harder to manage and can be time consuming.
  2. 2

    Warm up by drawing lines and embellishments. Use your ruler to create lines on a piece of plain copy paper or in your sketchbook. Practice drawing different angled lines, swirls, swoops, curves, shapes, and letters. Try to space them as evenly as possible. When you feel like your practice drawings are getting consistent, move onto sketching.[2]

  3. 3

    Decide on a theme for your design. A theme is optional, but it can help you create a better design. Use your quote to decide on a good theme.[3]

    • For example, if your quote is inspirational, then you might go with a theme of inspiration. Your design might include shooting stars and bold colors.
    • If your quote is about beauty, then you might choose fonts and embellishments that reflect beauty, such as swooping cursive letters and bright colors.
  4. 4

    Choose a font style. You can choose an existing font style or one of your own creation. For longer quotes, you may even use multiple font styles, depending on how you envision your design.[4]

    • When you're first starting out, you may want to recreate the fonts of your favorite hand lettering artists.
  5. 5

    Sketch out your design. Create a sketch of your word, phrase, or initials using your selected theme and font style(s). Add in any embellishments that you want to include in the final piece.

    • Try sketching out a few design alternatives, then choose the one you like best.
  1. 1

    Draw your guidelines. Use your ruler to draw a baseline, using light pressure to create a faint line. Above the baseline, draw your x-height line where you'd like your lowercase letters to peak, and then draw your cap height line where you'd like your capital letters to end.

    • If your design will require more than one line of text, then you will want to draw guidelines for each line of text.[5]
    • If you want your letters to appear in a shape, such as a banner, heart, or cloud, you will also draw this shape when drawing your guidelines.
  2. 2

    Draw evenly spaced horizontal lines to help with spacing. Use your ruler to draw horizontal lines that will block off where your letters will appear on the page. You can draw the lines straight or at an angle, depending on what works best for your design. The space between the lines should fit one or two letters as you plan to draw them.

    • The purpose of the horizontal lines it to help your draw all of your letters the same size and with the same spacing.[6]
  3. 3

    Make a pencil drawing of your selected design. Redraw the design that you chose from the sketching phase. Use the guidelines to space out your design.

    • Start with just an outline, then slowly build up your piece.
    • Don't start adding to your letters or inking them until you've completed a basic outline drawing.
  4. 4

    Make your letters thicker and more detailed. Add to your letters, making them thicker or more fleshed out, depending on your selected design. This step is where you will add thicker curves, bolder lines, and heavier strokes.

    • Don't use too much graphite on the parts you want to color with ink because the pencil can smear or make it harder for you to ink the piece.[7]
  5. 5

    Add embellishments to your design. You can add design quirks to your letters, and you can add other elements to the phrase you chose.

    • Example embellishments that are common in hand lettering include arrows, stars, hearts, and large swoops or swirls. You can add whatever embellishments you'd like to create your own design.
  1. 1

    Cover part of your drawing with a plastic sheet. While you're inking, it's easy to smear the pencil drawing. To prevent smearing, cover the part of the drawing you aren't working on with a clear piece of plastic. Tape the plastic down to keep it from moving.[8]

  2. 2

    Ink your design. Go over your pencil lines with your pen or marker, then fill in the parts that are supposed to be black. Color in the parts of your letters that you wish to be inked.

    • After you ink, you'll need to decide if you want to digitize your work or continue working by hand. Color can be added digitally or by hand.
  3. 3

    Scan the drawing into your computer if you'd like. Use your scanner to transfer the image to your computer. You can edit the drawing in Photoshop or Microsoft ICE, depending on which program you prefer to use. You can remove the lettering from the white background using the Magic Wand tool or the Color Select tool. You can then use your design to create digital art.[9]

    • This step is optional for artists who prefer to create digital art.
  4. 4

    Add color. If you'd like, you can add color to your design. Use your chosen supplies, such as markers, colored pencils, or watercolors, to add color around your letters or to your letters.

    • Some artists like to add color before they letter by adding a colorful background. For example, you could create a watercolor design and then letter on top of it.
    • If you'd prefer to use computer software to add color or alter your design, then you can digitize your piece before you add color.
  1. 1

    Practice drawing different style fonts. Creating your own unique hand lettering will take a lot of practice. Luckily, practicing hand lettering is fun. Gather up examples of your favorite fonts, including type fonts and some of your favorite hand lettering examples. Practice the fonts by first tracing and then redrawing the letters until you get good at recreating the font.

  2. 2

    Read and watch tutorials. You can find a ton of hand lettering tutorials online, both written and video. Use these excellent resources to grow your lettering skills.

    • You can also find online classes for hand lettering, which usually cost money.
  3. 3

    Trace or duplicate pieces you love. Creating "copycat" versions of your favorite pieces from websites, instagram, or books can help you build your skills quickly. Keep practicing your favorites until you get good at drawing them.

    • Don't present someone else's work as your own. Your "copycat" pieces should just be for your own practice.
    • Don't post your "copycat" pieces of someone else's work on social media without explicitly stating that it's copied from the other artist.
  4. 4

    Use printable templates offered by other artists. Some artists create their own practice sheets that they share on their website. You can print off these sheets to practice your own lettering.[10]

    • To find printable templates, google "hand lettering practice sheets" or "hand lettering templates."
  5. 5

    Check out books on hand lettering. You can find many different types of hand lettering books, including workbooks, compilations of art by hand lettering artists, and coloring books. Flip through a couple and choose one to take home for practice.

    • Try the library. You may be able to check out a hand lettering book for free.
    • You can also find hand lettering kits in some bookstores.

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  • Question

    What are the common fonts that are used in lettering? (Besides calligraphy)

    Community Answer

    Today we commonly use sans serif fonts such as the one that you are reading now. Sans serif meaning that there are no serifs in the font, a serif font can be described as a little tails on the letters. Serif fonts can still look good today though, the Sony logo for example is a serif font but is still distinctive and recognizable today. But a good use of calligraphy can really add that artistic, authentic look to lettering.

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  • Hand lettering takes a lot of practice to master, so don't give up if your letters don't come out like you want.

  • Try tracing fonts to master drawing them.

  • Practice the common fonts used in lettering.

Things You Need

  • Paper
  • Sketchbook
  • Ruler
  • Pencil(s)
  • Pen(s)
  • Archival Markers
  • Chisel pen (optional)
  • Colored pencils (optional)
  • Watercolor (optional)
  • Colored pens or markers (optional)

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Source: https://www.wikihow-fun.com/Do-Hand-Lettering

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